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Conversations at the Kitchen Table

Course Overview

Focus area Attachment and child development
Length 2 full days
Who is it for? Human service professionals, counsellors, social workers
Key Outcomes Supportive and therapeutic parenting education

Course Description

Build your skills in the art of talking to parents, so children can heal and thrive, as you explore seven reflective parenting conversations over two days.

Learn how to have conversations with parents or carers that enable them to focus on the child, build connection and intentionally help them to heal. Improve parents’ knowledge and skills to increase their parenting choices. Use practical exercises to help regulate ’big feelings’, such as breathing exercises designed to move children and their parent into a ‘regulated’ zone that strengthens conversations and relationships.

All participants receive a Conversations at the Kitchen Table handbook for guidance and easy reference. This A5 sized handbook is designed for front line workers to carry with them, so that at any time they can, through respectful conversation, provide information and tips to strengthen parent’s ability to focus lovingly on their children. It draws on Therapeutic Parenting Program content developed by Relationship Australia South Australia’s Post Adoption Support Service. This reflective parenting resource was designed and developed by the Together4Kids team to support for workers in the homelessness and family and domestic violence sectors.

Conversations at the kitchen table is a free course for workers from specialist homelessness and domestic violence services.

Please contact us to discuss future offerings or bespoke workshops for this course.

Student Feedback

“Thank you for a very informative and practical 2 day workshop.”

Enrolment Information

Time 9.30am – 4.30pm

49a Orsmond Street, Hindmarsh

Cost $370 | Free for FDV/Homelessness Alliance
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