Privacy Statement

Quality Indicators and Evaluation

Under the National Vocational Regulator Standards (NVR) we are required to collect, use and report on learner engagement and employment satisfaction. This feedback is sought by a Learner Questionnaire which will be distributed either towards the end of your course or after completion in paper form or email to be completed online. Employer surveys are provided to your employer whether or not they have paid for or supported your participation.

You will also be asked to complete an Institute evaluation form after each module is completed. This information is gathered confidentially and is used to improve our processes and learning and assessment materials.

Follow up evaluation post your participation and completion of a program takes place on a yearly basis. The Institute will only contact you if you have given consent. Follow up evaluation seeks to gather information on the influence and long term impact of the program you participated in both personally and professionally.

Follow up evaluations are conducted by email and online.


Student Feedback

The Institute welcomes feedback from students and employers about any aspect of the program. This feedback can be provided verbally and/or in written form to either the course coordinator or facilitator or Institute manager.



If you wish to make a formal complaint about the Institute, please follow to the directions on the Relationships Australia (SA) website. We take all complaints seriously and regard mistakes as an opportunity to learn and thereby improve our services and service systems.