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Therapeutic Parenting with Relationship and Regulation: Train the Trainer 2 day program

Therapeutic Parenting with Relationship and Regulation is a program developed for carers and parents of children and teens whose early life may have included neglect, abuse and trauma. The course also has relevance for parents of children with behavioural challenges and developmental differences. Some of these children have challenging behaviours and parents and carers may need more than the usual ‘common sense’ parenting to develop healthy relationships with their children. Continue Reading

New Qualification: Diploma of Community Services CHC52015

As the Community Services and Health Industry adapts to a new funding and service delivery environment, there is evidence of increased demand for different roles and specific skills. To meet this increased demand, this industry will need more qualified workers. As such, the Australian Institute of Social Relations will be offering a new qualification – the Diploma of Community Services (CHC52015). Continue Reading

Autumn Workforce Development Courses

We’re offering a range of workforce development courses for the community services, health, family law and human services.  All courses are held at the Australian Institute of Social Relations (49a Orsmond Street, Hindmarsh) and we can deliver courses offsite and in regional and remote settings. Continue Reading