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Institute delivers Building Better Relationships courses in schools

2015 has seen the Australian Institute of Social Relations building relationships in new areas; particularly with Pedare Christian College in Golden Grove. After hosting a Year 10 student for a work experience week at Relationships Australia SA, the Institute was approached to deliver personal development coaching to Year 9 students during the last week of November 2015. Continue Reading

Mental Health First Aid course coming soon

What comes to mind when we think of first aid; CPR, or attending to minor workplace injuries? But, what would you do if your faced with not a minor cut, but someone having a panic attack, behaving aggressively (perhaps because of alcohol or drugs), or appearing suicidal? Is there any training to help deal with Mental Health? Continue Reading

Follow-up surveys reveal our qualifications help students gain employment

At the Australian Institute of Social Relations, we are committed to providing quality professional education, a culture of continuous improvement, evidence-based service delivery and responsiveness to the needs of our students and the community. Therefore, each of our training programs follow a relevant pre, post or follow-up evaluation process to ensure the quality of the delivery and its outcomes. Continue Reading

COPE Workforce Development courses are ready for registrations!

Our COPE Workforce Development courses are back for semester 2 and ready for registrations! Workers who need to develop or build upon certain skills as part of their work or community contribution will find these courses highly beneficial. They are mainly geared towards the community services and health sector, but can be applied to other sectors or volunteer situations.

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Students Test Entrepreneurial Skills with ‘Traffic Jam’: The Community Network Story

A group of high school students have been given a unique opportunity to put their entrepreneurial skills to the test and start their own social enterprises. Through a partnership with Parafield Gardens and Salisbury East High School, we’ve been able to offer these students part-time traineeships in Certificate III in Community Services. The focus of this project is directly built around community development in the North and equipping young people with the skills to become confident, enterprising and employable candidates for the future. Continue Reading