Dr Laurie MacKinnon PhD returns to Adelaide in February 2017 to deliver Deactivating the Buttons: Integrating a trauma lens with a counselling framework. A two-day workshop for counsellors, psychologists, social workers and mental health professionals.
Workforce Development
Launching a new education partnership
Relationships Australia NSW in partnership with The Australian Institute of Social Relations RTO 102358 (a division of Relationships Australia South Australia Ltd) are pleased to announce the co-delivery of CHC81015 Graduate Diploma of Relationship Counselling and CHC8115 Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution.
Students enrolled in these qualifications are able to combine studying online with face to face sessions.
Child Focused Practice – Finalist – Adult Learners’ Week 2016
Child Focused Practice was a finalist for Learning Program of the Year at this year’s Adult Learners’ Week Awards.
Focus on Family Safety: Risk Management in Practice Forum
Relationships Australia South Australia is delighted to be hosting Professor Amy Holtzworth-Munroe (Indiana University), Dr Troy McEwan (Swinburne University) and Dr Jamie Lee at a public forum 18 July 2016, Focus on Family Safety: Risk Management in Practice. Continue Reading
Workforce Development Calendar – Semester 2 course dates out now!
Looking to up-skill or need a refresher? Semester 2 course dates are out now.
The AISR offers a range of workforce development short courses designed for the community services, health, family law and human services sectors.
Therapeutic Parenting with Relationship and Regulation: Train the Trainer 2 day program
Therapeutic Parenting with Relationship and Regulation is a program developed for carers and parents of children and teens whose early life may have included neglect, abuse and trauma. The course also has relevance for parents of children with behavioural challenges and developmental differences. Some of these children have challenging behaviours and parents and carers may need more than the usual ‘common sense’ parenting to develop healthy relationships with their children. Continue Reading