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Child Focused Communities of Practice

Designed for frontline practitioners supporting children and families affected by homelessness or family violence, this monthly virtual forum fosters networking, knowledge sharing, and skills development. Topics vary based on sector needs.

Building Expertise Together: Workplace Trainer Community of Practice

Join a collaborative group of workplace trainers to share insights, overcome challenges, and refine training practices. This virtual community meets monthly to foster peer support, professional growth, and innovative approaches.

Introduction to Working with People with Lived Experience

Explore the value of lived experience in practice. This course focuses on empathy, communication, and respectful approaches when working with individuals with lived experience. Gain skills to support and empower others effectively.

Digital Literacy

Develop essential digital skills for community services, including internet basics, communication tools, and navigating eLearning platforms. This hands-on course covers tools like email and Microsoft Teams while enhancing digital literacy for professional and workplace needs.

Introduction to Working with Diverse Clients

This course enhances cultural awareness and builds skills for working effectively with diverse clients. Reflect on personal experiences, learn actionable strategies, and explore the impact of diversity in practice. Participants are inspired to become change agents in their future roles.

Case Management

Enhance your case management skills with this short course for new workers or to refine your practice. Learn client-centered approaches, needs assessment, goal setting, and ethical practices. Gain practical tools like time management and multidisciplinary collaboration to support clients effectively.

Mental Health First Aid

Learn how to provide support to people experiencing mental health challenges and how to identify signs someone is developing a mental illness. This practical two-day course explores mental health issues and intervention strategies, delivered by accredited instructors. Participants receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Family Group Conferencing Coordinator Training

Learn to facilitate Family Group Conferencing, empowering families to support child safety and wellbeing. This training combines online pre-learning and three days of face-to-face learning, aligning with national competencies. This training teaches a strengths-based and inclusive approach to support families to keep their children and young people safe and at home.