Looking to up-skill or need a refresher? Semester 2 course dates are out now.
The AISR offers a range of workforce development short courses designed for the community services, health, family law and human services sectors.
Whether you are in a remote setting, regional centre or capital city, AISR has the capacity to deliver programs across Australia, with a suite of free and fee paying online courses that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
Semester 2 short courses include;
- Accidental Counsellor
- Plan, Facilitate and Conduct Group Activities
- Focus on Family Safety – 3 hour forum
- Cultural Fitness
- Mental Health First Aid
- Therapeutic Parenting: Train the Trainer
- Child Safe Environments – Full day
- Child Safe Environments – Refresher
- Responding to Suicide Risk
- Trauma Informed Practice for Frontline Workers
To discuss your training needs, please contact the AISR on (08) 8245 8100.
If you would like more information please email enrol@rasa.org.au